"hide object with delay"
"Write a compute shader function in hlsl that draw a line from point A to B in a texture. Add comments to code."
"ConnectServer by using Photon Pun SDK for Network"
"When all objects are destroyed, activate another script"
"generate a script for a 3 x 3 terrain"
"change audio on walking and running"
"start and update methods for fps"
"create a script where you can add characters to a list who will follow the player with their sprites changing to show their direction and with variable speeds and distances for a 2d game"
"shoot bullets randomly"
"mouse over and exit color in the game"
"create a room in an online game"
"follow enemy path"
"advanced ai system"
"rotate 3D object by touch, only horizontal rotation"
"Music visualization"
"create a timer for my game"
"create a health system engine"
"Create a clicker game with a shop with instructions on how to set up the code"
"create a party system like in Deltarune where characters follow you with a public method to add characters with different sprites for different directions"
"Music visualization"
"Changing the cameras on mouse enter and exit"
"can you make a wasd movement for unity"
"On trigger touch, start animation"
"when 25 cubes with the tag Training get destroyed, object appears"
"display projectile count"
"Character controller with built in Camera system (controllable FOV), Walking and running with stamina system, Crouching, Jumping, Footstep system with multiple footsteps sounds, Headbobbing and all keys for each action can be changed."
"fix the frame rate in game"
"Get nearest gameobject from the player with a tag called Hook, also it needs to be visible to the player. This on a 2D project"
"script that let's me play an animation with settrigger and makes sure nothing else happens until the animation is finished"
"restart game"
"make splash screen"
"spawn coin object on hit"
"Create code for a 3d fps shooter game where you fight zombies"
"Multiplayer network"
"animation controller"
"play the audio on zoom out"
"throw a baseball ball"
"object jump with space key"
"rotate object"
"Jetpack system with spacebar and sound when first pressing space bar, mid air loop and when not pressing spacebar"
"load scene trigger on game finish"
"Separated Jetpack system with spacebar"
"Script that get a json file with events list (title, type, date, location, interfering, description, price)"
"make button interactable"
"create a movement script for a 3d cube called Player and make it move right when you click d and left when you click a add comments"
"open and close door on button click"
"create a cube"
"Interactable lever after pressing E add comments to code"
"Create And Join Room By Using Photon SDK"
"For Unity 2D, create one script that would be a functional simple platformer including the player, terrain, obstacles, controls and simple particle effects for jumping and death. The player should not be able to double jump."
"set the light emission in the game"
"A dialogue system with scriptable objects,a dynamic system with branching conversations,names and icons when talking,an interaction sustem so npcs can start conversations and a support for events for dialogue.also text affects like a sine wave"
"print hello"
"make a red car"
"create a timer with a main text that branched into three different floor lantai1,lantai5 and lantai10. this timer script has and different name because i want to make its specific"
"Unity2D. One script: draws and controls a player with WASD and creates the components it needs. Also draw a procedural endless platforming map. Creates particle effects for death and jump and plays them correctly. Creates hazards that kill. Color all"
"add hover effect on text"
"use imagefill example"
"send message to apply damage"
"make a rgb for my gorilla tag copy and tell me how to use it in steps"
"create a timer with a main text that branched into three different floor lantai1,lantai5 and lantai10. this timer script has and different name because i want to make its specific"
"sound on button click"
"Music Fade-In that makes volume go smoothly from 0 to 1 using coroutines and lerping"
"open a url on click"
"a infinite runner"
"enemy wave"
"changing colors mesh and sprite"
"third person action adventure character controller that can walk, run jump and roll. make it scalable so that custom input, actions and animations can be added in the inspector. add comments to code"
"create an inventory system that is easy to customize from the Unity UI"
"create a third person player controller that can walk, sprint, jump and roll. a"
"get instance id with 10 game objects"
"left/right movement with finger swipe"
"edit the wraptime of UI in game"
"HitscanGun with Fire rate, multiple shot sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo system and Reloading with R key, sound play when R is pressed, Muzzle effect, TrailRender bullet and impact effect that destroy itself."
"Interactable lever after pressing E"
"loading bar at scene load"
"Gun shooting with raycast, Fire rate, Shooting sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo management and Reloading with R key, Shooting effect and impact effect that destroys itself and Damage system."
"create a joystick controller"
"create an enemy spawner"
"dance animation"
"rts unite movement script with collision detection"
"In Unity 2D, create a green square called "terrain" at layer 0. Create a red capsule the appropriate size for a player on layer 1. On the same layer as the player, create a maze that the player starts at the middle of with one exit with squares."
"make a unity script that will auto spawn blocks"
"move enemyai toward player to attack"
"create a timer with a main text that branched into three different floor lantai1,lantai5 and lantai10. this timer script has and different name because i want to make its specific"
"follow object with mouse cursor"
"Write a function that draw a line from point A to B in a texture from a compute shader and add comments to code."
"a infinite runner"
"create a cube that you can move by holding it and if you not longer holding it, you place it where you no longer holded"
"self destruction of gameobject after a time"
"Find Game Object With Tag"
"Rotate the game object by pressing Key at runtime"
"create cube pooler"
"scroll over 2d background"
"a script where you can add characters to a list through a public method which follow the player in a line with controlled distances from each other."
"implement fb login system"
"give hint to user on click"
"rgb color for gorilla tag copy and tell me how to use it"
"Class which toggles the teleport on the right thumb stick input its use in VR unity games"
"change the cameras on mouse enter and exit"
"HitscanGun with Fire rate, multiple shot sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo system and Reloading with R key, sound play when R is pressed, Muzzle effect, TrailRender bullet and impact effect that destroy itself."