Featured Generations

"the dog is moving around in circles and not moving forward.... lets start off by maybe just getting the dog to move 20 studs forward and go from there"


"create a script so when a player joins, a startergui called BK shows for 5 seconds before fading away"


"generate a realistic conventional zoned fire alarm control system script with programmable notification appliance circuits, initiating device circuits, troubles, supervisories, alarms, AC power, silenced, acknowledge, system reset, walk test, and etc"


"When you join the game, there will be a GUI that says "Play" and "Quit" and the background will be fully Black and the "Play" and "Quit" will be UICorner"


"make a party teleporter for inside a part that shows the timer using hints and shows the teleported players using a message"


"make a script that creates a part."


"NPC death effect"


"make a command that can randomize the player in every single way"


"make a roblox script that makes you loop walk follow the most close player and only stop if someone is more close near you"


"make an animated Play button"


"make a system that get 2 nextbots from the replicated storage and the another 2 nextbots in game go to replicated storage"


"make an npc "ai", when you talk to him he will type in chat the answer scripted by an ai (chatgpt) so it can answer at every question you make him automaticaly tell instructions"


"this doesnt work as a client script please help"


"click on the person then a UI will open saying "Do you wanna PVP this player' then when he press yes the other player has to say yes then a huge circle will pop around them then a time on the screen"


"make a script after 10 seconds, the models Zombie, Zombie 2, Zombie 3, Zombie 4 gets deleted."


"create a health regen script inside a npc that only generates when player isnt attacking the NPC"


"make a zombie spawner"


"Create a script inside a npc model that makes the npc play a idle animation and give instruction on how to set it up"


"make the part the script is inside of slowly move the part to the nearest players position but only when the player is not looking and if the part is still not close to the player after 10 seconds then make the part appear behind the player"


"make a server script that puts Kinda big golden text that above the part that its in that says Kick"


"create a Roll script inside playercharacter that works when players press Q and changes their speed when they are dashing and playes animation."


"make a Gui where it will countdown 30 seconds and then it will tp the players to Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10 Part11 Part12 but only 1 player can be tped to each of the parts when all players die the timer restarts and my part called Spinner will spin and keep getting faster each 5 seconds"


"how do u make a part kill a player"


"script for a part. give the player a random gear from Gear folder in replicatedstorage every 5 minutes if they are stage 210 and touch the part. clientsided countdown for each player on a screenui on the part. add detailed comments and instructions"


"create a tweened drop down menu that makes multiple small tabs drop down from a button when clicked, the number of buttons depends on the number of players in the game"


"a lazer eye tool where if I hold down my mouse for 2 seconds i shoot 2 deadly beams out of my eyes with good vfx, it doesnt work"


"make a time settings menu with 2 options with one being a toggle for turning on or off current os time to time in game with the other being a fogend toggler from low to higher and can be opened and closed with the main button on the top right of the screen"


"create a script for a part so whenever a player touches it, they get slower"


"Write me a script that turns the player into the color black when their health reaches 0"


"make it use :GetPropertyChangedSignal("WalkSpeed") and local WalkSpeed = Humanoid.WalkSpeed RootPart.Running.PlaybackSpeed = WalkSpeed / RunningDivisor RootPart.Swimming.PlaybackSpeed = WalkSpeed / SwimmingDivisor RootPart.Climbing.PlaybackSpeed = WalkSpeed / ClimbingDivisor"


"create a vibrantly stunning admin menu that lists all player and has a kick ban and warn button for each player"


"Can you create a custom character movement system that simulates real life human behavior when moving around and overrides the default ROBLOX character movement?"


"create a time stop function that stops time for 5 seconds and then resume everything back to normal. Press the left button to activate timestop"


"make a script inside a weapon that plays a sound whenever a NPC with a humanoid called Enemy is damaged but only players close enough can hear it"


"make a lava"


"create a sword equip system, equip with e button"


"make a script for a text label that displays and starts a 5 minute countdown when the player touches the part called GearPart. text says "Lucky Block Ready" after the 5 minutes. touching the part during the countdown does not interrupt it."


"script for multiple sets of teleporters with the option to make them one-way. add detailed comments, explanation and instructions."


"change health of a player on part touch"


"Make me a Clan Spawning system that Reads a Gui called Name Label the gui will find the Name/Key word of the clan if the clan is Uchiha and the Players NameTextLabel has uchiha he will spawn on the uchiha spawn"


"On touch with RedOrb player gets a SpeedBoost of 1 and on touch with YellowOrb player get speedboost 2 also send a remote function which is in a folder named speed. YellowOrb and on Touch with BlueOrb player gets speedboost 3"


"how to make a notepad thats send message for player when click in the text button and make gui for this"


"Make a script that kills the player if they click the part"


"can you make a push script that when you push a player in the leaderstat the name Pushes will get to 1 detected by the player and make the keybind f to push the player and when you push the player he will stand up again"


"Create a realistic script where if a part which is a cylinder or sphere touches a Part named "TrackJoint" while moving, it plays a realistic metal thud sound."


"Create a melee combat system for the R15 rig system with limb dismemberment based on where the player was hit, blood effects where the player was hit, and with a ragdoll system for when the player dies."


"make me a double jump script"


"make it so the player can teleport by just clicking t"


"but jump power increases every second"


"write a roblox script that when you say "!test" it will slowly and smoothly make the ambient green and smoothly change to the clocktime to 0, also tell where to put the script."


"Player is not a valid member of Player "Players.Cth4n" erroring line 3"


"create a sprint system with a animation"


"a part that floats behind me like a pet and tell me where to put it, and add buttons to enable and disable the pet, tell me where everything goes it doesnt work"


"make a script if you say kill it kills you."


"make a script where it will countdown 30 seconds and then it will tp the players to Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10 Part11 Part12 but only 1 player can be tped to each of the parts"


"Can we improve this script by making sure the camerapart is still attached to the player?"


"Write a script for R15 that causes the player to ragdoll upon death."


"working main menu"


"Server side script . I only want health to regenerate after a 1 second delay when player is damaged. Include notes about script placement"


"Create a running script holding shift key"


"create a script that gives players a badge when they enter the game."


"can you make me a script for a tool that when you press m1 it will curve my ball left to 4 parts i made and it will curve to the closest one near the players mouse when they let go. when they press m2 the ball will curve right to the closest part when they let go"


"local Script = game.ServerStorage.Karasu game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(chr) plr.Chatted:Connect(function(msg) if msg == "5KVISITS" then Script:Clone().Parent = plr:WaitForChild("Backpack") end"


"create a server side script that makes CortFiles health regeneration to 99999999"


"Make me a Pushup System for Training Where the Player Gains Muscle From The Pushups and They Gain 10 Muscle Per Pushup as well as a stat multiplier system that will multiply the amount of Muscle they Gain From it With instructions on where to inse"


"can you add a mouse icon and make the mouse lock into position when the gun is equipped and unlock when it is unequipped"


"make a block eating simulator script that bring all parts to the character. Make it loop and the parts have a folder and the parts are in the folder the parts names are SmallBlock."


"make a roblox script that makes you loop walk follow the most close player and only stop if someone is more close near you"


"Write me the most complex script for time"


"make a creepy hint script that activates as soon as a certan part is touched if its touched then activate a 2 min timer if the timer ends then kill the player also set the fog to a creepy setting also make the part name 'uh oh' activate the script also make the sound named parte set pitch to 0.3"


"create a local script inside a tool that plays a idle animation when the player is holding the tool but stops when the player left clicks"


"shift to sprint"


"can you make it when you go in the hitmans team you will have the item named handgun dont allow items in the president team"


"make shift run"


"make a little rpg system that updates when a humanoid is killed"


"make me a scripter on where I click on a part, the part goes into my inventory and I'm able to equip it and text inside the script to show me how to set the entire thing up studio"


"create a script inside a tool that create a fire ball projectile when player press E"


"create a part that changes colors constantly"


"create an advanced fireball script with the keybind "Q""


"A leaderboard that has "wins" and "minutes" when the player steps on the part wins it will add it to the leaderboard and they can only win once a day and count the minutes"


"the head is cancollide false and anchored false, so since the head is supposed to act like the new head, try putting new attachments to the body so it can go on like a normal head"


"add a code that allows me to run the script from a button part"


"teleport me to a random position on part touch"


"when ever a player click's a TextButton Named "FlashLightButton" a Sound plays Sound id "226892749" and when the player click's the textbutton again a sound plays again, Sound id "7433801607""


"part that follows you and if you dont use a tool to hit it back it kills you"


"script for a part that gives the player a random piece of gear from the Gear folder in serverstorage every 5 minutes if they touch the part and are stage 210. the part displays a 5 minute countdown. add detailed comments and instructions"


"make a click simulator with a gui."


"make a script with 1 local and 1 server script and a remote event, when using the parent tool, it makes a rod 20 studs above the players head, that if holding the mouse you can aim with it, and when releasing the mouse, it goes to where the mouse was aimed, exploding when touching any terrain"


"if one animation is playing then the other one can't paly until the first one finished"


"If a player has a tool named "Football" equipped then it will remove a tool named "Tackle" from the player's inventory."


"when you touch my part called l it will fly into the sky"


"if player has bought a product with a specific id, make all the players in the server dance for 10 seconds. add comments to show me where to put things in studio and what it does"


"Make a roblox script where if Harlandroblox says !game2 then it will rain red blocks from the sky above all players head for 5 seconds and they will disappear off the floor in 10 seconds but if a players touches one they get kicked and it will says Oops!"


"make a script that loop teleports my character ontop of the head of a close opposite team player when i press t and stop when i press t again"


"punch system that does 10 damage, uses 2 animations, it can give 4 punches, 2 seconds cooldown, uses arm hitbox, only can punch if punch animation is false, if you give less than 4 punches and 2 second passes the punch counter resets, uses left click"


"Can we improve this script by making the camera zoom directly to the camerapart when the player presses Z?"


"create a script that changes a mouse cursor when hovered over any NPC inside a folder in workspace called NPCs and you can input a random cursor image. and tell me where to put this script and how to set it up."


"script for when the user clicks it will destroy any part and break it into pieces"


"how does functions work"


"Set a players camera to a specific part when it is touched"


"create a script inside a text lable that will show how long the game has been running."


"when a player walks into my part called kal it will bring a gui with a list of players in the server and when you click on there name it will make the player explode but then the gui will go off there screen when they picked a player"