Featured Generations

"Write me a script that offsets the camera so that it is not centered on the player"


"light up a part"


"door control system"


"a gui that follows my mouse using tweens, and red frames that go towards it from infront and goal is to dodge them, if dodged they float away using tweens, if mouse and red frame touch then mouse is destroyed tell me where to put everything,doesnt wo"


"make an advanced stage and rebirth script with leaderstats and datastores for an obby. Stages are numbered parts in the Checkpoints folder. Rebirth player if stage 65 and they touch the part called Rebirth. add detailed comments and instructions"


"make a gui that gives you admin"


"Make me a script where my camera locks on another players movement when pressing the keybind z. Then when the camera is locked on that player Im able to use the key binds g and f to make the camera angle go up and down. G to go down f to go up"


"make npc sit on keypress"


"Create a script that makes the NPC follow the last joined player. Make sure it keeps following that player until a new player joins."


"create a time stop function that stops time for 5 seconds and then resume everything back to normal. Press the left button to activate timestop"


"create a script inside a inside a tool that teleports player to spawn when players left clicks while the tool is equipped."


"a coin the if you collect you will run faster"


"make a dancing npc with instructions on where to insert the code"


"make individual leaderboard stats for Stage and Rebirths, make datastores for Stage and Rebirths that saves and loads the player's data. Make rebirth optional once the player is stage 65."


"Make my mouse cursor point to the nearest person when i hold right click"


"make a script that when you old shift you speed with tween teleport"


"can you make a script so people on certain teams when they click shift have their speed set too 30 and jump power set to 45 but when they release shift they return to normal speed and jump power"


"Create a script in server script service that gives a player a certain item when it’s the players birthday and shows a text saying happy birthday using the text inside the screen gui that’s been created"


"a player holds W make the player dash forward by pressing Q a player holds A make the player dash left by pressing Q a player holds s make the player dash back by pressing Q a player holds D make the player dash right by pressing Q"


"make a clientsided floating arrow that shows the player the next stage on the obby"


"make me a script that scripts a working fighter jet WITH instructions on how to set it up in the script"


"add to the script you just generated by creating a second button, when clicked it adds a tab to the dropdown menu with the text *player who clicked button*'s menu"


"make a script that makes you move to the most close player using path finding"


"while wait how do i use it"


"a block"


"can you make a cmdr invisible command script to go under 'invisServer' with admin permission level on roblox"


"write a navigation script that completes obbies"


"create a speed simulator"


"Create a crouching system that uses an animation, and you c ant jump while crouching. If you press c you crouch. Make it also compatiable with other scripts."


"at the top of your screen there is a gui it says the amount of steps you have you start with 1000 when it goes to 0 you get kicked make it so i can put this code into a script into StarterGui"


"make a script where there is a health bar above my model called table when you click my model called table it takes 30 damage it starts on 100 health and when it gets to 0 it will be removed"


"a roblox script that makes a gui smoothly transition up once you load into the game, also tell where to put it"


"create a script that makes a roblox game admin have more health when holding a certain tool"


"Make a nice looking welcoming GUI that flashes with rainbow colors and covers the whole screen and greets you to a game named "Coloured Cars". Make it say "Press anything to continue" and if you press anything on the keyboard it will close."


"make a gui"


"Make me the script where I can pass the football ball perfectly to my teammates and the opposing team can't get them"


"Roblox HumanoidDescription to the npc and apply it with humanoid:Applydescription () and random free items ,packages, and clothing"


"make a random block hole script"


"make an script that turns SunRays off when pressing the textbutton and it makes the textbutton's text from On to Off and if SunRays is off when pressing it will turn it back on"


"Create a realistic camera system that simulates real human behavior based on the movement of the character."


"saying anything kicks the player in the chat"


"make a afk script everytime the player exits the tab"


"create a gui in screen gui that is blur when its opned"


"Create the most complex camera script"


"create a jump script for a npc"


"make a kick admin command for me"


"create a gui that only shows up to players who has a certain gamepass"


"create a local script inside a text button that enables and disables default roblox backpack"


"create a chat tag system"


"I need the the ui to have a animation like shrink to big, like when the person clicks it , it’s look small but becomes bigger"


"make a snow footprint when u walk on snow (the parent of script) it leaves my footprint model i made right under the feet of the player on the snow when walking on the snow its inside replicatedstorage in the folder Footprints its called Snow"


"script a tool that makes the player shrink when player left clicks with tool equipped."


"make a part spawner that doesn't stop until one of the players say "Stop", add comments on where to put the code in studio"


"can you make a script that will kick the player who types the "!kick" command in chat"


"create an Advanced MeepCity Outfit Changer GUI"


"roblox script for arsenal"


"create a Field of Battle roblox script that allows you to get legendary gems and gold that has its own custom gui with sliders that have the max capacity of 100000 for each"


"when a player clicks e on there keyboard they will get 10000 walkspeed for 20 seconds"


"create me a gui button and when clicked shows an input box and when you input a music id it will start playing music from your music id"


"make all players in the server spin for 10 seconds when connected to the DanceEvent event"


"idle animation when a player is holding a tool"


"make the humanoid jump again after pressing spacebar twice with custom animation"


"script a loot system like dungeon quest and give instruction on how to set up gui"


"script for an existing ui that makes it fade in and swipe up when the player gains coins, showing how many coins they gained, for 2 seconds and then fade out"


"Make it when you press Quit the game disconnects you from the server"


"npc that follows closest player walk animation and tell me where script goes"


"Create a loot gui like dungeon quest and make it appear when a player receives a new item in the player backpack and will not be visible after 5 seconds"




"make a part named orb give u 5 walkspeed when touch then orb disapears and respawns orb randomly. the amount of orbs allowed to spawn is ten and has a limit of only 10 spawn. also make it that when game starts there are ten orbs"


"npc that follows closest player walk animation"


"make a viewmodel script for a first person shooter"


"make a roblox script where you will move to the most close person using path finding then once your near them you will click left click auto automatically but if they get too far stop but if you get close continue for my player make it loop walk"


"Noclip toggle"


"npc that follows you"


"how to make bomb"


"Change the script so the bullet flies to wherever my mouse is. Make sure it cannot hit the player itself, but it actually flies into the air. It should work like a gun / pistol."


"hello world"


"make a light flicker when monster is nearby with magnitude"


"open and close multiple uis when different buttons are clicked"


"server script that kills the player if they touch parts tagged with Lava using the tageditor. add detailed comments, explanation and instructions."


"make a health bar"


"a working chatGPT script that answers any questions about roblox studio and tell me where the script goes"


"Gui Frame only visible to players who has the bool value of Knight"


"if activated all true if activated again all false"


"create a time stop function that stops time for 5 seconds and then resume everything back to normal"


"make it so that the letter when typing in a textbox bounces in"


"create a datastore that saves a Bool value called Knight inside the player"


"CreateA script that makes the part grow or shrink in size based on mouse scrolling. This is a part is located in workspace.Part"


"when you say "ouch" or "ow" the tool called "Ban Hammer" will fall on the player's head who said this word tell me where to put the code make the parts that when you press them you can move them with the mouse"


"print hello world"


"Can you write a script that allows for the character's head to move fluidly based on the direction that the camera is facing?"


"create a playerjoined message"


"when a player equips a tool named Broom then the Screen GUI named Trash pops up with the text labels thats inside of screen gui. but if the player unequips broom then the screengui disappears making sure the screen gui is invisible when player spawns"


"gore effect"


"Create a script so when I hover over a part is becomes blue and if I don't hover over that part anymore it becomes white. Use game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()"


"script that opens and and closes a frame when a ui button is clicked"


"Noclip script"




"can you make a script that when a player says "!test" it makes the nearest part called 'PAD' turn red and cancollide false"


"Create a script that plays an animation when I click on a player, the animation is 12584847759 Make sure you use player:GetMouse()"


"create a script that notifies a player that they received a new item in their backpack that will show above a players head"


"If the player moves kick them"