Featured Generations

"how would a viva pinata game on roblox work"


"make code for my script so that when the text button is pressed the the frame and text labels and textbutton disappear"


"if the player's stage value is between 106 and 209, make the player teleport to the part in the Checkpoints folder that shares the same name as their Stage value when they touch the parent part. , don't teleport them if they have the carpet gamepass"


"make it so that when the gui is visible = true then tween the gui fading in and when the gui is visible = false then tween the gui fading out"


"make me a script that scripts a working fighter jet WITH instructions on how to set it up in the script"


"make the model shake, fall, dissapear and reset, 2 seconds after the player stands on it"


"make a roblox anti cheat for a anti speed"


"make a roblox script for a leaderstat called Robux and each time a players gets a kill it will give them 1 on the leaderstat"


"create a advanced swordscript for a sword tool"


"black and white background gui"


"make a ragdoll script when player dies, have a death message saying your dead on screen after you die then goes away after you respawn"


"make a left cllck drag script where you can drag anything that's un anchored"


"create a zombie spawner"


"Make me a data store that saves the players coins rebirths and Multiplier in the leaderstats and saves the values of the leaderstats and when the player joins back adds the values saved to the leaderstats again so that other players can see them"


"there is a little icon with a ? at the middle top of the screen when you click it it says Hello Thanks For Playing then a new line and it says You Can Find Lucky Blocks Threw Out The Obby They All Do Different Things this is the asset id 13263013887"


"can you make a walking npc but as soon as he hears gunshots he will run and panic"


"Fly script"


"create a type writer effect"


"rain red bricks from the air forever super fast that turns black when they touch the ground. 2 seconds after touching the ground it explodes into 6 0.1x0.1 size blocks"


"A server script that removes the "Tackle" tool from you when you get the "Football" tool"


"create a player drag system with a rope"


"hovering over TextLabel makes background color fade, and textColor change, removing mouse fades it back to what it was before"


"create a script that allows an entity to move through a 3 x 6 grid ahen the arrow keys are pressed"


"make it so mobile users can run aswell with a button on the right hand side"


"make a block eating simulator script that bring all parts to the character. Make it loop and the parts have a folder and the parts are in the folder the parts names are SmallBlock."


"create a sea with instance.new and when you say sea in chat make it so you can go through it too oh and every time you "say sea again it rises". The width also gets bigger too every time you say sea again."


"How can we make it so that the camerapart stays with the player even after they respawn so that the camera zoom option still works even after death of the character?"


"make a roblox script with 1 local and 1 server script, that when using the parent tool, it will summon an union that will be 326.5, 324.5, 303. it will also not allow any player to see inside or outside of it. make it be togglable, and add a check if the remoteevent has been created already"


"faça um script para o model "Noob", em que ele persegue e elimina os jogadores. script de roblox studio."


"the head is cancollide false and anchored false, so since the head is supposed to act like the new head, try putting new attachments to the body so it can go on like a normal head"


"make an event that gives all players the face accessory of a specific id and the head accessory of a specific id for 60 seconds"


"make a building tool that places 5 types of cubes"


"script for multiple sets of teleporters with the option to make them one-way. add detailed comments, explanation and instructions."


"Make a script that if you run into other players who are not on your team, you both fall to the ground. Add comments to code"


"make humanoid custom walk Front when pressing W make humanoid custom walk left when pressing A make humanoid custom walk back when pressing S make humanoid custom walk Right when pressing D default when players join"


"If I click this button, it tweens to the corner of the screen"


"Create a system where a vignette is added around the edges of the player's screen."


"it doesnt work completely only for 2 clicks"


"make a script if you touch Part1 it gets the sword from the folder called folder1 then gets the sword then gives it to you"


"server script that makes parts tagged with Fall using the tageditor, 0.5 transparent and noncollidable for 3 seconds if a player touches the part. add detailed comments, instructions and explanation"


"create a code when the player touched a part will die and add comment to code"


"Create a button when clicked slowly moves a model up a configurable amount of studs, make it use clickdetector"


"teleport part on touch"


"create a local script inside a text button that enables and disables roblox backpack"


"create a spawner that spawns in a part every 3 minutes"


"I want to limit the number of times certain badges can be obtained for everyone."


"make a sea when you say sea."


"make a list of people who get it without buying gamepass"


"Create a script for an R15 NPC"


"Create a melee combat system for the R15 rig system with limb dismemberment based on where the player was hit, blood effects where the player was hit, and with a ragdoll system for when the player dies."


"can you make me a ban gui for owners that has a closing button and an open button?"


"create a tool that lets the player throw parts"


"make it to shoot the lasers to the mouse position"


"when player click's the textbutton named "Eco" it toggles a local script named "Ecoscript" and if they click the textbutton again, it stops the script"


"Make a nice and aesthetic looking GUI that greets you to a game named "Coloured Cars" that says "Press anything to continue" and closes when you press anything on the keyboard or if you click the mouse button and doesn't re-open when you die."


"players can not jump"


"every second game idea"


"make a randomly generating grid of tiles each doing a different effect on the player also make the script use a hint object that displays what effect the player has also make sure to have a healing part and a damage part and a bouncy part and a speedy part and a disco part make sure parts have color"


"make all players fling when a player clicks a ui button and buys a developer product"


"make me a script that makes taht when i press q my character's head makes a sound and all close npcs makes an animation and they stop moving and give me instructions"


"make a script that makes my character teleport in front inside and behind a close opposite team player when i press z and turns off when i press z again"


"Make me a script where I can adjust my camera angle with the key binds f and g. F to make it go up and g to make it go down. Then I use the bind z to lock the camera on my teammate."


"Fly toggle script"


"make a shop GUI where you step on a part and it opens it using clean tweening, once you are off the part, the GUI closes through tweening, also tell me how to set it up."


"make a bricks color change every 0.25 seconds"


"make a script that makes my character walk to a close opposite team player"


"make my Part spin horizontal"


"how to make a blender sword model work"


"when i press e i my keyboard i will start flying and when i press e again i will unfly"


"make a script that loop teleports me to the nearest enemy"


"make a hint system that activates a random part changer and make sure you use hints also make it like survive the disasaters also use part change event heal event hurt event randomly colored sparkles randomly colored smoke and show what it rolled also use hints use hints use hints also add cooldown"


"Realistic camera bobbing script that activates if the player is moving"


"Write me a script that makes the player invulnerable for a duration of time"


"make a roblox code where there is a timer at the top of the screen it will count down 30 seconds and when the time is up it will tp all players to one of my Parts Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10 Part11 Part12 but only one player can be tped to each part then the countdown will go off the screen and if all players die it will restart the countdown again after waiting 3 seconds and when the countdown ends my Part called Spinner will will spin at a speed of 0.1 and then each 5 seconds the speed will increase by 0.2 speed and then when all players die it will go back to 0.1 speed and start again but use tween service and after the countdown ends last one alive gets 100 Money"


"create a script that turns a part invisible when i press e and tell me how to set it up"


"a button that tweens around the map extremely fast and if clicked it pops away with a black screen as the background"


"create a script that gives a slime popping particle whean dead"


"Make me a roblox football script where my camera angle sets the perfect angle for the best dime. It determines the best perfect angle with the football power. I press the button g to active this script."


"create music player and music playlist"


"-When Tool Is Equipped, Change Camera to third person( Equip Anim) -If tool is equipped add image for mouse cursor in center (“dot_Image”) -When Tool Is UnEquipped, Change Camera to Original State -Torso Will not be locked With Mouse When Gun is"


"Create a script that welcomes a new player in the game using chat"


"a working superpower that makes things surrounding you slowly move towards you for 3 seconds and tell me where it goes"


"script for chess board as a GUI"


"make something were if you say /execute in chat. Put lua script after in chat. It runs the script you put after. Fix loadstring is not available."


"Create a script I created a tool with a part. Make sure that the part follows my arm, so I am actually holding it. Make sure that if I click, the part shoots a bullet that does damage. Place the script in part."


"a roblox script that detects if your userid is 556575544, and if it is it kicks you"


"create a server region button that shows how many players are in that game"


"make an blackhole wich every uncharoed block will be sucked by the blackhole"


"Write me stormworks lua code that draws a red circle onto a 1x1 monitor (32x32 pixels)"


"script for 4 sets of teleporters with the option to make them one-way. add detailed comments, explanation and instructions."


"make different coloured trails that can be equipped from an inventory once owned. save and load player trails. trails can be bought with coins when clicking a ui button. add detailed comments, explanation and instructions"


"the npc is running sideways"


"make a script for my tool where when player equips the tool the imagelabel named "Key" becomes visible"


"Make it when you press Quit the game disconnects you from the server"


"Make a part that if a player hits the part it will make them sit"


"make a color changer with 20 colors and able to select a body part to change color along with a button to open and close the menu with all colors added as brick colors"


"script a shop menu for my shop"


"create a script inside tool that wont let players equip the tool if the player is low level"


"add upgrade tree and that secret stats are equippable so you can get an aura to flex with. make it whit a purple aura and say to me where i ened to put it"


"make a part move forever and make it loop once it reaches the max studs and make it affect the part named water"


"Make a enemy pathfinding script"


"make a roblox studio script for a door called "Door Bathroom" teleports the player to a door called "Door Back" Using proximityprompt with key "E", with a timer of 1 second."