Featured Generations

"create a timer with a main text that branched into three different floor lantai1,lantai5 and lantai10. this timer script has and different name because i want to make its specific"


"background audio in game"


"get name object"


"zoom in and zoom out object class with start and update methods"


"create a 3d player controller that can walk, run, jump, roll and attack."


"For Unity 2D. Create one script that: draws and controls a player that can't double jump, creates all the components it needs to move within the code. Also draw the platforming map with code and assign the correct components."


"write a function that draw a line from point A to B in a texture from a compute shader and add comments to code."


"flow field movement for enemies looking for the nearest target"


"create a movement script for a 2d cube called Player and make it move right when you click d and left when you click a add comments"


"HitscanGun with Fire rate, multiple shot sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo system and Reloading with R key, sound play when R is pressed, Muzzle effect, TrailRender bullet and impact effect that destroy itself."


"Interactable lever after pressing E"


"loading bar at scene load"


"Create a class that draws multiple raycast2d in all directions, if they hit a wall they should reflect. It needs to return the hits that hit any colliders from the "Player" and "Friendly" layers, either directly or after the raycast2d was reflected."


"create a basic tower defense enemy movement script"


"create a character"


"make a cube"


"a music controller class"


"The user launches the app and is presented with a menu in which he can select which aviary to approach. When approaching an aviary, the user is shown information about what kind of aviary it is, how many animals live there, their sex and what sound t"


"display game time in seconds"


"Create a random map generation system with multiple layers of perlin noise for a 2d unity game"


"implement fb login system"


"Write me a script for an enemy spawner"


"When certain objects are destroyed, activate an object"


"score multiplier"


"a infinite runner"


"advanced ai system"


"play sound on start"


"throw a baseball ball"


"grenade enemy explosion"


"Hitscan Gun with Fire rate, Shooting sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo management and Reloading with r key, sound plays when R is pressed, Muzzle effect, bullet tracer and impact effect that destroys itself."


"create an enemy spawner"


"count the game object cube with text"


"create a movement script for a 2d cube"


"move vehicle with Accelerometer or Gyroscope"


"create an inventory system that is easy to customize from the Unity UI"


"when 25 cubes with the tag Training get destroyed, object appears"


"Functional Complex Character Controller with built in camera system that uses RigidBody. Footsteps system, Stamina system (With running), Jump, crouch, breathing system when sprinting, no stamina or stamina not in use and Grounding."


"Player movement with arroy keys and W,A,S,D keys"


"sound on button click"


"create trigger event"


"Functional Complex Character Controller with built in camera system that uses RigidBody. Footsteps system, headbobbing, Stamina system (With running), Jump, crouch, breathing system when sprinting, no stamina or stamina not in use and Grounding."


"load scene trigger on game finish"


"override Sprite"


"Start Audio1. After Audio1 end, Start Audio2 and loop immediately."


"set debug developer console option to true"


"dance animation"


"create a timer with a main text that branched into three different floor lantai1,lantai5 and lantai10. this timer script has and different name because i want to make its specific"


"change skybox in game play by light intensity"


"create a cube"


"create a health system"


"play animation on action"


"create a party system like in Deltarune where characters follow you with a public method to add characters with different sprites for different directions"


"Write a function that draw a line from point A to B in a texture from a compute shader and add comments to code."


"buy menu in game"


"Functional Complex Character Controller with built in camera system that uses RigidBody. Footsteps system, Stamina system (With running), Jump, crouch, breathing system when sprinting, no stamina or stamina not in use and Grounding."


"2D character jumping on waypoints"


"Character controller with built in Camera system (controllable FOV), Walking and running with stamina system, Crouching, Jumping, Footstep system with multiple footsteps sounds, Headbobbing and all keys for each action can be changed, using Rigidbody"


"Occlusion Area Center"


"The user launches the app and is presented with a menu in which he can select which aviary to approach. When approaching an aviary, the user is shown information about what kind of aviary it is, how many animals live there, their sex and what sound t"


"control gravity, enable and disable included in methods"


"Music visualization"


"move UI element on a curve using LeanTween"


"For Unity 2D, create one script that would be a functional simple platformer including the player, terrain, obstacles, controls and simple particle effects for jumping and death. The player should not be able to double jump."


"Create a system with a public function where you can add party members to a list which follow the player in a line"


"create a health system engine"


"create a 2d gungeon generator"


"Create a clicker game with instructions on how to make it work"


"Script a player movement"


"Get nearest gameobject from the player with a tag called Hook, also it needs to be visible to the player"


"coin collect on trigger"


"Convert to string"


"return sprite of image"


"create a button flicker class in unity"


"follow object with mouse cursor"


"make the camera follow player"


"damage weapon on shooting"


"create a cube"


"follow enemy path"


"acceleration controls"


"create a card based inventory"


"HitscanGun with Fire rate, Shooting sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo management and Reloading with r key, sound play when R is pressed, Muzzle effect, TrailRender bullet and impact effect that destroys itself."


"create a falling cube"


"gun change with mouse wheel"


"create coin object that has a looping 2d animation"


"dance animation"


"spawn player on point"


"if there is a crash i want a report"


"get instance id with 10 game objects"


"Make scene switch after rigidbody with tag Player reaches a trigger"


"follow the player"


"jump with finger swipe"


"print hello world"


"script that let's me play an animation and makes sure nothing else happens until the animation is finished"


"Music visualization"


"create a third person orbit camera that orbits the player based on mouse input"


"Functional Complex Character Controller with built in camera system that uses RigidBody. Footsteps system, Stamina system (With running), Jump, crouch, breathing system when sprinting, no stamina or stamina not in use and Grounding."


"decrease health bar when player collides with hurdle"


"create an inventory system that is easy to customize from the Unity UI"


"Create a clicker game with instructions on how to make it work"


"create a cube and make it fall"


"start Coroutines"


"ConnectServer by using Photon Pun SDK for Network"