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"create a turn based combat system that follows the rules of a card game like yugioh"
/* Creating a turn-based combat system that follows the rules of a card game like Yu-Gi-Oh in Minecraft Forge is a complex task that involves creating new GUIs, entities, and game mechanics. Here is a basic structure of how you could start creating the entities and mechanics for the card game. */ public class CardEntity extends Entity { private Card card; public CardEntity(EntityType<?> type, World worldIn, Card card) { super(type, worldIn); this.card = card; } /* Other necessary methods like registerAttributes, createSpawnPacket, etc. */ } public class Card { private String name; private int attackPoints; private int defensePoints; public Card(String name, int attackPoints, int defensePoints) { this.name = name; this.attackPoints = attackPoints; this.defensePoints = defensePoints; } /* Getter and setter methods */ } public class DuelistEntity extends Entity { private List<Card> deck; private List<Card> hand; private List<Card> graveyard; public DuelistEntity(EntityType<?> type, World worldIn) { super(type, worldIn); this.deck = new ArrayList<>(); this.hand = new ArrayList<>(); this.graveyard = new ArrayList<>(); } public void drawCard() { if (!this.deck.isEmpty()) { this.hand.add(this.deck.remove(0)); } } public void playCard(Card card) { /* Implement the logic for playing a card */ } /* Other necessary methods like registerAttributes, createSpawnPacket, etc. */ } /* This is just a starting point and doesn't cover all the mechanics of a game like Yu-Gi-Oh. You would need to create a new GUI for the player to interact with their hand, deck, and graveyard, as well as implementing the rules of the game. You would also need to create the cards themselves, either hardcoding them or creating a system to dynamically generate them. */