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"create a turn based combat system that follows the rules of a card game"
/* Creating a turn-based combat system that follows the rules of a card game in Minecraft Forge is quite complex and would require a good understanding of both Forge modding and game design principles. It would involve creating a custom GUI for the card game, implementing the game logic, and creating custom items for the cards. Here is a basic outline of how you could start implementing such a system. */ /* First, we'll need to create a new item for our cards. */ public class CardItem extends Item { private final String cardName; public CardItem(String cardName, Properties properties) { super(properties); this.cardName = cardName; } public String getCardName() { return cardName; } } /* Then, we'll need a way to open our card game GUI. For simplicity, let's say right clicking with a card in hand opens the GUI. */ public class CardItem extends Item { /* ... */ @Override public ActionResult<ItemStack> use(World world, PlayerEntity player, Hand hand) { if (!world.isClientSide) { NetworkHooks.openGui((ServerPlayerEntity) player, new CardGameContainerProvider(), player.blockPosition()); } return ActionResult.success(player.getItemInHand(hand)); } } /* The CardGameContainerProvider is responsible for creating the server-side container and the client-side GUI. */ public class CardGameContainerProvider implements INamedContainerProvider { @Override public ITextComponent getDisplayName() { return new TranslationTextComponent("container.card_game"); } @Nullable @Override public Container createMenu(int id, PlayerInventory playerInventory, PlayerEntity playerEntity) { return new CardGameContainer(id, playerInventory); } } /* The CardGameContainer handles the game logic. */ public class CardGameContainer extends Container { /* ... */ } /* The actual game logic would be quite complex and is beyond the scope of this response. You would need to handle things like tracking the current player's turn, handling card plays, and determining when the game ends. */ /* Finally, you would need a client-side GUI to display the game to the player. This would involve drawing the game state to the screen and handling player input. */ public class CardGameScreen extends Screen { /* ... */ }