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"the gui doesnt update when i jump it stays at zero"
-- This might be because the event is not correctly connected. The correct event to use is 'Humanoid.JumpPower'. Here's the corrected script: -- local script local Player = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer local Humanoid = Player.Character.Humanoid local jumpCount = 0 local gui = script.Parent -- replace this with the path to your GUI local function updateJumpCount() jumpCount = jumpCount + 1 gui.Text = tostring(jumpCount) -- replace 'Text' with the name of the TextLabel in your GUI end Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("JumpPower"):Connect(updateJumpCount) -- This script will increment the jumpCount variable by one every time the JumpPower property of the Humanoid changes, which occurs when the player jumps. The new jump count is then displayed in the GUI. Make sure the script is a LocalScript and is located in a GUI.