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"create a machine that learn blocks around and visualize what learn on the gui"
/* To create a machine that learns blocks around and visualizes them on a GUI, you will need to create a custom block, block entity, and a GUI screen. Here's a basic outline of the classes you'll need: */ // Custom Block public class LearningMachineBlock extends Block implements EntityBlock { public LearningMachineBlock(AbstractBlock.Properties props) { super(props); } @Nullable @Override public BlockEntity newBlockEntity(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) { return TileEntityInit.LEARNING_MACHINE.get().create(pos, state); } // Override methods to handle right-clicks to open the GUI } // Custom Block Entity public class LearningMachineTileEntity extends BlockEntity { public LearningMachineTileEntity(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) { super(TileEntityInit.LEARNING_MACHINE.get(), pos, state); } // Add methods to scan surrounding blocks and store the data } // Custom GUI Screen public class LearningMachineScreen extends Screen { // Add code to render the learned blocks and handle user interactions } /* You will also need to register your custom block, block entity, and container in your mod's initialization classes. Once you have the basic structure in place, you can implement the specific functionality for learning and visualizing the surrounding blocks. */