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"override Sprite"
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class OverrideImage : MonoBehaviour { private Sprite sprite1; private Sprite sprite2; private Image i; public void Start() { i = GetComponent<Image>(); sprite1 = Resources.Load<Sprite>("texture1"); sprite2 = Resources.Load<Sprite>("texture2"); i.sprite = sprite1; } // Called by a Button OnClick() with ExampleClass.Example1 // Uses overrideSprite to make this change temporary public void Example1() { i.overrideSprite = sprite2; } // Called by a Button OnClick() with ExampleClass.Example2 // Removes the overrideSprite which causes the original sprite to be used again. public void Example2() { i.overrideSprite = null; } }